Gold and silver medals
Each year, the university rewards the best prize theses with gold or silver medals. The medals are presented to the prizewinners at the University's Annual Commemoration.
In addition to a medal, the winners receive a travel grant from the Director Ib Henriksen Foundation in the amount of DKK 10,000 or 5,000 and a scholarship worth DKK 5,000 or 2,500 from the University.
Prize papers for 2025
At the Annual Commemoration on 8 November 2024, the University announced the subjects of the prize papers for 2025.
Guidelines and regulations
Submission of prize papers 2025
Call for papers at the Annual Commemoration Ceremony on 8 November 2024:
The papers must be sent by
12:00 noon on Thursday 15 January 2026
via email to the faculty in question (See email addresses below):
Submission of prize papers 2024
Call for papers at the Annual Commemoration Ceremony on 10 November 2023:
The papers must be sent by
12:00 noon on Wednesday 15 January 2025
via email to the faculty in question (See email addresses below):
The papers must be sent to:
Humanities: prisopgave@hum.ku.dk
Law: Does not call for papers
Medical Sciences: Does not call for papers
Science: Does not call for papers
Social Sciences: Does not call for papers
Theology: pic@teol.ku.dk
Interdisciplinary prize papers. prisopgaver@adm.ku.dk
The University's authority to call for prize papers is laid down in the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education's Order on University Examinations of 24 June 2012, which among other things states:
Section 25 The University may lay down rules to call for prize papers and for the conversion of prize papers.
(2) For each study programme, the University may allow a prize paper to be converted to a thesis. A prize paper for which a gold medal has been awarded will be converted to a grade of 12.
The University's more detailed regulations can be found in the University of Copenhagen's regulations for prize papers (PDF)
Questions regarding specific prize papers
For questions about for instance papers where no specific supervisor is given, please contact
- HUMANITIES: Malene Junge, 35330549 or Bente Anette Sørensen, 51300311, prisopgave@hum.ku.dk
- LAW: Do not issue prize papers
- SOCIAL SCIENCES: Lea Rosa Kvist, lea.kvist@samf.ku.dk, 35 32 52 03
- SCIENCE: Do not issue prize papers
- MEDICAL SCIENCES: Do not issue prize papers
- THEOLOGY: Pia Christensen, pic@teol.ku.dk, 35 32 36 08
- Interdisciplinary prize papers: Helle Birch Schmidt, hbm@adm.ku.dk, 35 32 29 01
Or you can contact the dean’s office at your faculty: The addresses of the Faculties
Questions regarding the prize paper regulations
If you cannot find an answer in the guidelines and regulations, please contact:
Senior Consultant
Helle Birch Schmidt
Educational Strategy & Analysis
Education & Students
E-mail: hbm@adm.ku.dk
Tel.: (+45) 35 32 29 01
Prizewinning papers are made available to the general public by agreement with Copenhagen University Library. Unsuccessful papers are archived by the relevant Faculties, and are not available to be read.
At the University Library, University of Copenhagen holds a collection of prize papers awarded the gold or silver medal from 1920 up to today. New papers are added, but the collection is not complete. In principle, the papers are available to readers, although the condition of some of the older manuscripts means that they are only available in the reading room.
Former prize papers are archived at the Royal Danish Library. You can search for them here.
Prizewinners since 2006
Gold medal
Albert Kirmanen Clausen
Esther Vitha Ringhof
Gold medal
Gustav Graeser Damgaard
Niels Hvelplund
Sandra Louise Dornonville la Cour
Johan Ulrik Nielsen
Silver medal
Astrid Marie Saugmann Jensen
Andreas Ole Nielsen
Alberte Zerman Steffen
Gold medal
Hanne Maj Britt Danielsen
Theis Schønning Johansen
Jonatan Mizrahi-Werner
Anne Sofie Nissen
Sophie Thorkildsen
Silver medal
Jonas Jochumsen
Jason Wilson
Gold medal
Anders Solitander Bohlbro
Lasse Stein Holst
Katrine Gisselø Lauridsen
Niels Gunnar van Leeuwen
Silas Lischang Marker
Silver medal
Sune Lerche Andersen
Elizabeth Møller Christensen
Signe Sørensen
Gold medal
Johan Skov Bundgaard
Anna Maria Kofod Hult
Mark Poulsen Khurana
Michael Martin Nielsen
Nicolai Røge
Sebastian Tobias-Renstrøm
Clara Marie Westergaard
Silver medal
Sofie Larsen Kure
Gold medal
Simone Thirstrup Andersen
Sigrid Nielsby Christensen
David J. Grünhagen
Cathrine Heikamp Lissau
Sheila Aakeson
Silver medal
Luna Skjoldann Larsen
Gold medal
Paulina Bala
Louise Skydsbjerg Friis
Silver medal
Sara Hallum
Søren Frank Jensen
Nikolaj Pagh Kristensen
Tobias Straarup
Gold medal
Rasmus Gudmundsen Bjørn
Lisa Amalie Gottlieb
Camilla Kaae Højgaard
Camilla Juhl
Jens Lund
Sigurd Victor Stubbergaard
Silver medal
Tatjana Ankerhus
Kristoffer Gjelseth Dalbak
Mathias Harding
Thomas Stax Jakobsen
Iben Appelt Kvist
Gold medal
Andreas Mæchel Fritzen
Rasmus Jaksland
Kristoffer Garne Jensen
Eva Tandrup Kock
Lisbeth Liliendal Valbjørn Møller
Thomas Winther
Silver medal
Marie-Elisabeth Lei Holm
Thomas Stax Jakobsen
Holti Kellezi
Pawel Nowak
Anna Maja Vangsted Wallin
Gold medal
Raja Majid Afzal
Louisa Jane Holt
Peter Poulsen Jacobsen
Kristoffer Maribo Engell Larsen
Frederik Bitz Møller
Andreas Højbjerg Nielsen
Tobias Mosbæk Søborg
Silver medal
Anna Gundlund Lorentzen
Jannik Skadhauge Sano
Gold medal
Christian Tolstrup Jensen
Mille Kirstine Bygballe Keis
Stine Tetzschner Olsen
Anne Polk
Simon Pedersen Schmidt
Sally Winther
Silver medal
Laura Andreasen
Nicole Koefoed
Asger Nymann Nielsen
Gold medal
Maja Brandt Andreasen
Mikkel Gabriel Christoffersen
Signe Danielsen
Louise Mejrup
Freja From Østerstrøm
Silver medal
Christel Wulf Hejmdal
Adrian Hove-Kreutzfeldt
Line Knoop-Henriksen
Kristine Krarup
Lars Lau Rakêt
Gold medal
Rasmus Markussen
Maria Caroline Nyberg
Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby
Silver medal
Jeppe Branner
Benedicte Ersted Jensen
Lamies Nassri
Sandra Feodor Nielsen
Anders Olivarius
Elizabeth Maria Olivarius
Lasse Pedersen
Maria Purtoft
Per Andreas Rasmussen
Martin Ravn
Gold medal
Jens Christian Borrebye Bjering
Andreas Immanuel Graae
Lykke Sylow Hansen
Solveig Gaarn Olesen
Esbern David Christian Pontoppidan
Rasmus Sevelsted
Tanja Schlaikjær Simonsen
Silver medal
Mikael Johannes Vuokko Henriksen
Nina Skyhøj Olsen
Gold medal
Astrid Ag
Lovise Haj Zilstorff Brade
Rasmus H.C. Dreyer
Martin Friis
Erik Donovan Hedegård
Signe Wedel Schøning
Andreas Stæhr
Silver medal
Astrid Glargaard
Maria Marqvard Jensen
Jon Ploug Jørgensen
Lasse Rødsgaard Lauesen
Sara Koler Møller
Charlotte Øhrstrøm
Gold medal
Ulrik Nikolaj Ascanius Felding
Thomas Emil Jensen
Frederik Poulsen
Anders Pall Skött
Niels Valdemar Vinding
Silver medal
Mette Marbæk Johansen
Kristian Mejrup
Amalie Skovmøller
Rikke Marie Søegaard
Gold medal
Liva Hyttel-Sørensen
Andreas Hjarne Kunding
Michael Nebeling Petersen
Martin Thorben Høiby Serup
Silver medal
Jeppe Engset Høst
Lasse Nielsen
Anne Katrine Blinkenberg Pedersen
Søren Skjerbek
Jacob Szpilman
Gold medal
Maria Panum Baastrup
Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme
Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen
Maria Elisabeth Engell Jessen
Ulla Kathrin Helena Kallenbach
David Møbjerg Kristensen
Kamilla Miskowiak
Kasper Lægring Nielsen
Caroline Nyvang
Silver medal
Lena Wienecke Andersen
Martin Hamann
Karen Benedicte Busk-Jepsen
Gold medal
Christine Andreasen
Marcel Lysgaard Lech
Charlotte Rasmussen
Sofie Louise Sandberg Sørensen
Silver medal
Jonatan Leer
Sebastian Persson
Simon Skovgaard
Lasse Christian Arboe Sonne
The medals

The gold and silver medals bear a figure of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, on the obverse, and the inscription ‘INGENIO ET STUDIO PATRIA’ encircled by a laurel wreath on the reverse.
The inscription literally means ‘From the nation for ingenuity and diligence’, and translates more freely into: ‘From the nation for a brilliant dissertation’.
The University has called for prize papers every year since 1762, apart from the years 1769-91. Since 1849, the medals awarded for prize papers have been listed in the University's Yearbook, which was published up to and including the 2006 Yearbook.
The Yearbook was published in Danish only.