Study Environment Award

The University of Copenhagen's Study Environment Award is given to an individual or a unit at UCPH for an extraordinary and innovative effort that has improved the study environment for UCPH students, including the international study environment.

The winner of the Study Environment Award receives a work of art and DKK 25,000 to be used in further efforts to strengthen the study environment for UCPH students.

Do you want to nominate a candidate for the Study Environment Award?

Do you know a good candidate for the Study Environment Award? A person or unit that has made a special effort to improve the study environment at UCPH. Study environment can be understood in a broad sense, for example:

  • The physical environment
  • The psychological, academic and social environment in relation to high-level well-being
  • Digital and communicative aspects.

It is a prerequisite that the prize money can be transferred to an account belonging to a unit at UCPH, e.g. the dean's office, faculty director, department, centre or study board.

Only students and staff at UCPH can make nominations for the award. You cannot nominate yourself. The chairmanship of the UCPH Academic Board on Education Strategy appoints the winner based on the submitted nominations.

Nominate a candidate for the Study Enviroment Award by filling in the form before 3 April 2025. 

Who can be nominated?

You can nominate students, academic or administrative (VIP/TAP) staff, units, sections, associations and student organisations at UCPH.

What initiatives can be nominated?

All initiatives of improvement in relation to the study environment can be nominated for the award, however, key focus is on:

  • Improvements to the social and academic environment, meaning initiatives taking place outside the classroom but with an academic content that supports learning
  • Outreach initiatives that go beyond the University and involve society, e.g. businesses and organisations
  • Initiatives that improve students' well-being and professional identity, prevent stress and create unity, including the physical study environment
  • Initiatives that prevent students from dropping out, e.g. improved social and academic integration on the study programme and closer ties to practice.

Do you have any questions?

For further information about the nomination procedure, please contact Amalie Mosbæk Drewsen, Student support & Study environment, at