Nominate your candidate for a University of Copenhagen award

Do you know UCPH’s best teacher, most innovative researcher or someone making a difference for the study environment?

All students and employees at the University of Copenhagen are invited to nominate candidates for:

The Teacher of the Year Award

The Teacher of the Year Award is given to one of the University's teachers, part- or full time employed, for good and inspirational teaching.

Nominate your candidate for the Teacher og the Year Award


All students and employees at the University of Copenhagen are also invited to nominate candidates for:

The Study Environment Award

The Study Environment Award is awarded to an individual or unit at UCPH (students, members of academic staff, members of technical and administrative staff, sections, associations or student organisations) in recognition of tangible improvements to the quality of the study environment at the University, including initiatives that have made the study environment more international.

Nominate your candidate for the Study Environment Award


The Innovation Award

The Innovation Award award is presented to a researcher or a group of researchers who has made an outstanding effort to create new knowledge and bring it to use for the benefit of society.

Nominate your candidate the the innovation Award



The deadline for submitting a nomination is 3 April

The winners will receive their awards at the annual commemoration on Friday 14 November.